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We’re proud to bring CaRi-Heart® technology to Northwest, England! At Venturi Cardiology we are dedicated to delivering personalised cardiovascular care, which is why we’re excited to be partnering with Caristo Diagnostics to bring CaRi-Heart Analysis to our clinic.

We are constantly striving to offer the most advanced and personalised cardiovascular care to our patients. In line with this commitment, we are proud to announce a new partnership with Caristo Diagnostics, allowing us to introduce CaRi-Heart® technology at our clinic in the North West of England.

This innovative technology represents a significant step forward in cardiovascular diagnostics, giving both patients and clinicians a clearer picture of heart health long before any visible symptoms arise.

What is CaRi-Heart®?

CaRi-Heart® is an advanced tool that can assess an individual’s risk of developing serious heart conditions or suffering from a heart attack up to 10 years in advance. Unlike traditional methods, which may only detect heart disease at more advanced stages, CaRi-Heart® allows for a far earlier and more comprehensive assessment.

The technology works by precisely measuring inflammation in the blood vessels surrounding the heart. This is crucial because inflammation plays a key role in the development of cardiovascular disease, often preceding more obvious symptoms. In addition to identifying inflamed areas, CaRi-Heart® highlights arteries that may be at greater risk of becoming blocked or narrowed, providing an invaluable early warning system for potential heart disease.

Why CaRi-Heart® is a Game-Changer

Alternative heart health assessments often rely on factors such as cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and family history. While these are important, they may not provide a complete picture. CaRi-Heart® fills in the gaps, detecting underlying issues that might otherwise go unnoticed.

For our patients, this means:

  • Proactive Care: By identifying potential risks years in advance, we can take preventative action, making lifestyle changes or starting treatments before a condition progresses.
  • Personalised Treatment Plans: The insights provided by CaRi-Heart® enable us to tailor interventions more precisely to the needs of each patient.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing your cardiovascular risk profile empowers you to make informed decisions about your health, reducing uncertainty and stress.

What Does This Mean for Patients?

By integrating CaRi-Heart® technology into our services, we are offering an extra layer of protection and clarity for our patients. It is a step forward in preventative cardiology, giving us the tools to help manage heart health more effectively and potentially avoid serious conditions later in life.

At Venturi Cardiology, we remain dedicated to bringing the latest innovations in cardiovascular care to our community. Whether patients have a family history of heart disease, are experiencing symptoms, or simply want a deeper understanding of their heart health, CaRi-Heart® offers a proactive approach that could make all the difference.

To find out more about CaRi-Heart, or to book an appointment – click here!